September at a glance

Halle and her friend Berlynn performed a magic show for a ward talent show.  They were amazing!  Maybe I’ll post the video of their awesome magical talent.  

Back Camera

Blake wishes I would stop going to the gym and give him a proper nap.  Here he is zonked out in the middle of the child care floor with 50 kids running all around him, screaming, and tripping over him. He stayed asleep through it all.  Sad.

Blake asleep on the floor of child care at the gym

When he’s not sleeping, he has turned into the devil toddler.  Lot’s of tantrums at our house!

devil toddler

We’ve been getting in touch with our crafty selves at Discovery Days

Back Camera discovery days

Halle continues to be a model first grade student

picture day at school

Blake enjoys his sweets more than anyone I know. He usually starves himself for days at a time in hopes that a “tookie” will come his way.

yummy pudding snack

I turned the ripe old age of 29.  And I made myself an apple pie to celebrate the occasion.   (I tried to make the pic look like a 1960’s housewife.  I think all I succeeded in doing was looking orange)1960's housewifeIMG_0131

My Husband is HOT.

We’ve been enjoying this beautiful Fall weather with many outdoor excursions.  This one was biking along the Boulder Creek Trail.

Halle josh

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